International Womxn’s Fighting Day: Let us celebrate and fight

March 8th has many names. The day is classically known as International Women’s Day. International Womxn’s Fighting Day describes today in my view perhaps a little better. Because it is not a cosy day on which womxn are given flowers and we are all momentarily happy that we are a womxn. Rather it is about gender equality and for that we unfortunately still have to fight every day! So much has been achieved and yet it is still not enough. At first glance the world is open for us today. But the road ahead of us is still rocky and quite long. And we can only achieve this together: let us support and empower each other – not only today, but every day! Let us be loud.

Why is there an International Womxn’s Fighting Day?

No matter what you decide to call today. No matter what name you like best. Because all that matters is that the day exists. The first World Womxn’s Day* was celebrated in March 1911 and since 1921 it has taken place annually. At that time, there was a lot of fighting for womxn’s right to vote, which was introduced in Germany in 1918. And next year we will already celebrate the 100th anniversary of the World Womxn’s Day! It is now a day that reminds us all that many people before us have fought for our rights and stood up for us. We celebrate the achievements that people before us have already achieved. But that is not enough. The poem by Rupi Kaur is a beautiful call to join and also make our our contribution towards more gender equality. Because everyone can make a difference so that we can look into a brighter future.

On the streets of Berlin

Since last year the March 08 is a public holiday in Berlin, Germany. The International Womxn’s Fighting Day is also a public holiday in countries such as Cambodia, Uganda or Georgia. And that is great! Because this way the day gets more attention. So it’s a perfect day to go out on the streets, demonstrate and stand up for more gender equality and equal rights for all. At a demonstration we can let free our anger, show solidarity and above all shout our demands into the world. Because it is important to be loud! This year the demonstration also included a period bloc to fight for more menstrual equity and to break the taboo around menstruation.

Grateful for my personal environment

I am incredibly lucky to be surrounded by wonderful and inspiring womxn of all ages in my life. It is a privilege to know such strong personalities and to share my time with them. When I look at my personal social life, I look optimisticly into the future. Because with so much power, courage and joy of life, things can only get better and together we are strong.

Let us celebrate 

Every year the United Nations defines a theme for World Women’s Day* and this year the theme is “Each for Equal”. Today is our day. Let us celebrate it, but not with flowers and champagne. Rather, let us celebrate the gender equality we have already achieved so far, and let us actively engage with each other to make our world a little more equal and more beautiful for all of us every day – regardless of which gender feels like home to us.

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March 8, 2020
Britta Wiebe ist die Co-Gründerin von Vulvani. Am liebsten recherchiert, schreibt und konzipiert sie den ganzen Tag neue Artikel oder innovative Bildungsformate rund um Menstruation. Wenn sie nicht in der weiten Welt unterwegs ist, genießt sie ihre Zeit mit lieben Menschen im schönen Hamburg. | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter

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